HO Valley Cement
  • HO Valley Cement

HO Valley Cement



CHF 144.00
Inkl. MWSt.
Nicht auf Lager


ab einem Bestellwert von CHF 250.--






Walthers Cornerstone
Spur HO

Valley Cement
Cement is one of the most popular of all building materials. Modern cement is made in special plants consisting of several buildings, each handling a step in the manufacturing process. Various raw materials arrive by rail and are kept under cover in the material storage building. Next, a conveyor moves these materials to the kiln building, where they are mixed in measured amounts. They are then fed into a rotary kiln, where heat starts a series of chemical reactions, and the rotation causes the heated material to form into small chunks. These pieces are fed into a crusher and ground into powder, which is stored for bulk shipment by road or rail